Personal details:
Since October 2020 Professor Dr. Markus Hölzle is member of the ZSW Managing Board and Head of the Electrochemical Energy Technologies division in Ulm. He also holds a position as Professor for Energy Storage and Energy Conversion within the faculty of natural sciences at University of Ulm. ZSW at its Ulm site is working with around 200 employees on Lithium-ion Batteries, PEM fuel cells and Hydrogen. All topics are covered in a holistic approach ranging from materials and component development to full-size system integration and validation. Industry co-operations account for 50% of all projects.
Before joining ZSW, Prof. Dr. Markus Hölzle held several management positions in BASF in the field of chemical catalysts, fuel cells and battery materials. His office locations had been in Ludwigshafen, Houston (TX) and Tokyo. He received his doctorate in electrochemistry from University of Ulm in 1996.