08:30 – 9:00 Welcome Coffee
9:00 Conference Opening
Prof. Dr. Markus Hölzle (ZSW)
09.30 – 09.55 Dr.Thomas Soczka-Guth (Daimler Truck AG) "Lithium-Cells For Commercial Vehicles"
09.55 – 10.20 Dr. Christoph Weber (ACC) "Challenges to produce EV Cells on a very large scale"
10:20 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 11.25 Dr. Marcel Wilka (ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG) "From Single Cell to High Performance Battery Pack"
11.25 – 11.50 Dr. Nicolas Bucher (VARTA Microbattery GmbH) "Transferring Know-How in the Development of Different Battery Types"
11.50 – 12.15 Dr. Thomas Wöhrle , BMW Group. "Battery-Cell Technology Development at BMW."
12:15 - 12.30 Dr. Olaf Böse (ZSW) Opening Postersession
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13.30 – 13.55 Prof. Hubert Gasteiger (TUM) "Lithium-Ion Battery Aging Mechanisms During Storage at High States-of-Charge at Elevated Temperature"
13.55 – 14.20 Dr. Peter Axmann (ZSW) "Towards more sustainable cathode materials"
14.20 – 14.45 Dr. Christian Vogler (Johnson Matthey Battery Materials GmbH) "Phosphate cathode materials – long time in use and still in trend"
14.45 – 15.10 Dr. Ulrich Wietelmann (Albemarle) "Lithium Resources for a more sustainable Future?"
15:10 – 15:40 Coffee Break
15.40 – 16.05 Prof. Dr. Stefano Passerini (Uni Roma) "Na-ion Batteries: The Next Commercial Battery Technology"
16.05 – 16.30 Dr. Sonia Dsoke (KIT) "Non-aqueous Aluminum-based Batteries"
16.30 – 16.55 Prof. Jürgen Janek (Uni Giessen) "Solid-State Batteries – Can they Compete with Liquid-Electrolyte Batteries?"
16.55 – 17.20 Prof. Dr. Arnulf Latz (DLR) “Battery Design by Modeling and Simulation: From particle over electrode structure to cell performance.“
17:45 Posterwalk Dr. Olaf Böse (ZSW)
from 18:45 Posterawards – UECT Award – Conference Dinner
08.30 – 09.00 Welcome Coffee
09.00 Conferece Opening
Prof. Dr. Markus Hölzle (ZSW)
09.00 – 09.25 Maike Schmidt (ZSW) "Hydrogen – a global opportunity and challenge“
09.25 – 09.50 Ulrich Spitzer (NOW) "Challenges and Support for the ramp-up of Hydrogen in Germany"
09.50 - 10:15 Lukas Hoffmann (P3 Group). „Total cost of ownership of fuel cells in heavy-duty truck application'“
10.15 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 11.25 Dr. Andreas Hubert (Aerostack GmbH) "Fuel cells for aircraft propulsion"
11.25 - 11.50 Harald Moll, IVECO “Status Fuel Cell propulsion for heavy-duty applications”
11.50 - 12.15 Rainer Glück (DANA Corp.) "Quality assurance based on electrochemical methods for metallic bipolar plate production"
12.15 - 13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 - 13:55 Stefan Hoettges (Rolls-Royce GmbH) "500kW PEM Fuel Cell Energy System Demonstrator"
13.55 - 14:20 Volker Häckh (LHyfe) "Roadmap to scaling-up green Hydrogen production"
14.20 - 14:45 Daniel Jalalpoor (HTE-Company) "Accelerating Materials R&D for Energy Materials and Renewable Energy Applications"
14.45 - 15.10 Thomas Betz, MB ATECH GmbH "Batteries and fuel cells produced on machines „made in Germany“ – the pathway to make it happen"
15.10 – 15.20 Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Markus Hölzle (ZSW)
- ZSW visit for interested visitors -